Word Definitions
- slightly
- a little
- persuade
- to make someone decide to do something, especially by giving them reasons why they should do it, or asking them many times to do it
- qualification
- if you have a qualification, you have passed an examination or course to show you have a particular level of skill or knowledge in a subject
- insurance
- an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money, especially regularly, and they pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if you become ill or your car is damaged
- fringe benefit
- an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages
- highlight
- to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it
- facilitate
- to make it easier for a process or activity to happen
- mandatory
- if something is mandatory, the law says it must be done SYN compulsory, obligatory
- virtue
- moral goodness of character and behaviour
- recap
- to repeat the main points of something that has just been said
- anticipate
- to expect that something will happen and be ready for it
- tightly
- very firmly or closely
- thrill
- to make someone feel excited and happy
- universe
- a world or an area of space that is different from the one we are in
- 分野、領域
- strive
- to make a great effort to achieve something
- eligible
- someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age
Practical Words
- under the weather
- 体の具合がよくない、二日酔いで
- How are things going?
- 調子はどう?
- How are things going at work?
- How’s everything?
- 調子はどう?
- I can’t complain
- まあまあだね
- brief
- ビジネス用語
- 概要、サマリー、Expectation、Requirementなどの簡潔な文書
- easy
- 落ち着いて!
- come out with …
- …をみせる
- Did you get five?
- もう5個できた?
- as minimal as they need
- 必要最低限
- bunch of
- たくさんの、かなりの数の
- marinate
- アイディアを一晩寝かせる、みたいな感じ
- = sleep on it
- sleep on it
- ちょっと考えさせて
- アイディア・考えを一晩寝かせる
- glad to hear that
- それは良かった
- well done
- お見事!