3週間分ぐらい 😅
Word Definitions
- chit-chat
- conversation about things that are not very important
- critique
- to say how good or bad a book, play, painting, or set of ideas is
- nurse
- someone whose job is to look after people who are ill or injured, usually in a hospital
- radiology
- the study and medical use of radiation
- committee
- a group of people chosen to do a particular job, make decisions etc
- tap
- especially British English a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container
- a specially shaped object used for letting liquid out of a barrel, especially beer
- ancient
- belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago
- throughout
- in every part of a particular area, place etc
- during all of a particular period, from the beginning to the end
- blink
- to shut and open your eyes quickly
- if lights blink, they shine unsteadily or go on and off quickly
- so far
- until now
- embrace
- to include something as part of a subject, discussion etc
- acquaintance
- someone you know, but who is not a close friend
- predictive
- relating to the ability to show what is going to happen in the future
- exploit
- to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return – used to show disapproval
- to use something fully and effectively
- to develop and use minerals, forests, oil etc for business or industry
- harden
- to become firm or stiff, or to make something firm or stiff
- properly
- correctly, or in a way that is considered right
- compromise
- to do something which is against your principles and which therefore seems dishonest or shameful
- reliable
- someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on
- vibrant
- full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive
- mundane
- ordinary and not interesting or exciting
Practical Words
- nothing special
- What’s up? みたいな挨拶の返事
- too broad
- 議論するには広すぎるテーマだ。みたいな
- long time no see
- 久しぶり
- What’s on tap for today?
- 今日の予定は?
- How’s the world treating you?
- 久しぶりに会ったとき、話したときのWhat’s up?みたいな
- What do you say?
- どう思う?
- How’s it going?
- 親しみ感があるHow are you?
- How have you been
- 久しぶりに会ったときの「元気にしてた?」「最近どう?」みたいな
- Nice to hear that
- 〜がきけてよかった
- accordance
- 一致、調和
- be in accordance with 〜に従って
- in accordance with the law
- psyched
- 非常にワクワクして
- I couldn’t make it without your help
- Doing okay?
- How are you
- progress in life
- What have you been up to?
- 久しぶりに会ったときの挨拶。具体的にしていたことを答える
- What has your wife been up to?
- How are you getting on?
- インフォーマル
- How goes it (with you)?
- Nothing much
- Nothing new
- Not bad at all
- まあまあ not badより良い
- Everything okay?
- 挨拶。順調?
- What’s the progress?
- 進捗どうですか
- インフォーマル
- It’s alright
- 問題ない
- Still the same
- 相変わらずだよ
- It’s alright, still the same
- redact
- 編集する、改定する
- extensibility
- 拡張性