
nownabe's daily posts

GCP updates | September 6, 2017

Posted on Sep 8, 2017


GCE creates images from running or stopped VM instances

A new flag in the GCE API allows customers to create images from disks attached to a running or stopped VM instance through the use of a single API call or action, eliminating the need for workarounds.

新しいGCE APIのフラグを使えば起動中または停止中のVMにアタッチされたディスクからVMイメージを作成できます。1回のAPIやアクションでよく、余計な作業が発生しません。


スクリーンショット 2017-09-08 14.24.28.png (58.0 kB)


App Engine Firewall beta

Users can now restrict traffic based on an originating IP address with the beta release of the App Engine Firewall, which allows users to set firewall rules for an App Engine application.

App EngineのトラフィックをIPアドレスによって制限できるApp Engine Firewallをbetaリリースしました。

GCE側のFirewallとは違い対象がApp Engineのみなので、このようにシンプルに設定できます。

スクリーンショット 2017-09-08 14.30.22.png (32.3 kB)


Generic health check support to Autohealer beta

The beta release of Autohealer for managed instance groups now includes support for TCP- and SSL-based health checks apart from HTTP and HTTPS, bringing them in line with health checks for load-balancing services.





Google Cloud Platform users can now attach multiple network interfaces to a single instance. This enables users to connect virtual network and security appliances, or create an inexpensive fault-tolerant solution, among other tasks.


Cloud Interconnect beta

Google Cloud Interconnect now supports dedicated physical connections between your on-premises network and Google’s network. This allows traffic between your on-premises network and your virtual private cloud network to transfer at speeds of 10 Gbps and greater without using the public Internet.

Google Cloud InterconnectはユーザのオンプレミスネットワークとGoogleネットワークの専有物理接続をサポートします。これによりユーザのオンプレミスネットワークと仮想プライベートクラウドネットワークがパブリックなインターネットを経由せずに10Gbpsかそれ以上のスピードで通信できるようになります。


HTTP(S) Load Balancer Monitoring in Stackdriver beta

The beta release of Monitoring for HTTP(S) Load Balancing exports data to Stackdriver that can be used to evaluate an HTTP(S) load balancer’s configuration and performance, and improve resource utilization.



Management Tools

Stackdriver Logging aggregated exports

A new Stackdriver Logging public API extension allows customers to configure exports at an organization or folder level, enabling them to export logs from all projects beneath those levels.

新しいStackdriver LoggingのAPI拡張はorganizationやフォルダーレベルですべてのプロジェクトのログのエクスポートを設定できます。

Deployment Manager reporting audit logs

Track who did what, where, and when with Admin Activity and Data Access audit logs for Cloud Deployment Manager—now generally available.

Cloud Deployment Managerでの、誰が何をどこでいつという管理アクティビティやデータアクセスを追跡するauditログがGAになりました。

Account Services

Public catalog API

The Cloud Billing Catalog API has been launched and provides a new public cataloging feature, giving API access to service, SKU, and pricing information for GCP.

プライシングの情報が取得できるCloud Billing Catalog APIをリリースしました。