
nownabe's daily posts

Product updates | May 23, 2018

Posted on May 24, 2018



Cloud Composer: Managed Apache Airflow on GCP

Author, schedule, and monitor pipelines across cloud and on-premise environments with Cloud Composer. Built on open source Apache Airflow, Cloud Composer simplifies workflow orchestration and avoids vendor lock-in.

Cloud Composerでクラウドとオンプレミスにまたがるスケジューリングと監視を実現できます。オープンソースのApache Airflowを素に構築されたCloud Composerはベンダーロックインを回避し、ワークフローオーケストレーションを簡素化します。



Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring: Observe multiple clusters at scale

Stackdriver adds rich observability for Kubernetes and integrates with Prometheus, the leading Kubernetes OSS monitoring solution. Easily inspect your Kubernetes environment and simplify operations.




Cloud Bigtable adds three zones in the UK and North America

Cloud Bigtable is now available in three new regions, europe-west2 (London, UK), northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal, Canada), and us-east4 (Virginia, US).

Cloud Bigtableは3つの新しいリージョン europe-west2 (イギリスのロンドン)、northamerica-northeast1 (カナダのモントリオール)、us-east4 (アメリカのバージニア)で有効です。

Additional releases


GCP expands its GPU portfolio with the NVIDIA Tesla V100

NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs are publicly available in beta on Compute Engine and Kubernetes Engine with up to 1 petaflop of precision hardware acceleration performance. NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs are now generally available.

Compute EngineとKubernetes Engineで公開ベータとして最大1ペタフロップのハードウェアアクセラレーション性能を持つNVIDIA Tesla V100を利用できます。NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUはGenerally Availableです。

Introducing Kubernetes Service Catalog and Google Cloud Platform Service Broker

Together, the Kubernetes Service Catalog and the Google Cloud Platform Service Broker make it easier for users to set up and connect a broad range of cloud-based services – including seven GCP services – to Kubernetes clusters.

Kubernetes Service CatalogとGoogle Cloud Platform Service Brokerを組み合わせることで、7つのGCPサービスを含む広範囲なクラウドサービスとKubernetesを簡単に接続できるようになります。


GCE: OS Login Cross-Organization VM Access

A new IAM role allows administrators to grant VM access to users outside of their organization. Now generally available, the OS Login feature allows for greater control over instance access and permissions.

新しいIAM Roleは組織外のユーザにVMアクセス許可を付与することができます。すでにGAで、OSログイン機能でインスタンスのアクセスと権限をよりよく制御できます。

GCE: Create VMs from an existing template

Customers just got a new way to create instances. Create a VM instance based on an existing instance template and override certain fields in the template. Now generally available.


Memory-optimized machine types with up to 160 vCPUs and 3.75 TB of system memory are now available in beta. The new machine types support the most demanding scale-up workloads, such as in-memory databases.



Monitor internal load balancing in Stackdriver

Now production-ready. Project owners can export key internal load-balancing metrics to Stackdriver to evaluate usage and performance, troubleshoot, and improve resource utilization and user experience.



Dialogflow introduces new features

Dialogflow has added a new beta feature in the console to allow developers to create snapshots or versions of their agent and manage custom environments such as development, staging, or production.




Cloud Dataflow: Intertransform I/O side input metrics

Side input metrics show you how side inputs affect your pipeline’s performance. Monitor reads and writes of side inputs and their impact on your job’s execution time.


Cloud Dataflow: Auto Zone job placement

With Auto Zone placement, a Dataflow regional endpoint automatically selects the best zone within the region based on the available zone capacity at the time of the job-creation request. Users don’t have to specify a zone separately if they specify a regional endpoint.

Auto Zone placementにより、Dataflowのリージョナルエンドポイントは、ジョブ作成リクエストがあった時間のゾーンキャパシティを元に最適なゾーンを自動で選択します。リージョナルエンドポイントを使っている場合はゾーンを指定する必要がなくなります。

gRPC and StreamingPull for Cloud Pub/Sub

Now in GA, new gRPC methods – including the StreamingPull method – enable Google Cloud Client Libraries to deliver much lower latency and throughput per CPU for PubSub subscription clients.


New Cloud Pub/Sub reporting audit logs

Cloud Pub/Sub audit logs are now generally available. Logs include administrative operations.

Cloud Pub/Subの監査ログがGAになりました。管理者操作を記録します。


DNSSEC for Cloud DNS

Cloud DNS has added DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), an extension to the DNS protocol that uses public key cryptography to authenticate DNS responses, helping to prevent attacks against user domains.

Cloud DNSにDNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC)が追加されました。DNSプロトコルのレスポンスを公開鍵暗号方式で認証し、ユーザドメインに対する攻撃を防ぎます。

Toggle firewall rules in GCP

Easily disable and re-enable firewall rules in GCP. The ability to selectively disable rules – without deleting them – allows users to observe, diagnose, and modify network behavior as rules are changed.


Cloud CDN Signed URLs

This beta release of Cloud CDN Signed URLs provides a mechanism to give a client limited-time access to a private resource without requiring additional authentication, while still getting the latency and cost benefits of Cloud CDN.

ベータのCloud CDN Signed URLはプライベートリソースに対する制限時間付きのアクセスをクライアントに提供するメカニズムを追加認証なしで提供します。


Introducing Google Maps Platform

The 18 individual Maps APIs have been distilled into three core products: Maps, Routes, and Places. All will work with existing code and are integrated into the GCP Console under one pricing plan with free support.

18個のMaps APIは3つの主要プロダクトに蒸留されました。Maps、Routes、Placesです。すべて既存のコードで動作し、無料のサポートがついたひとつのプランの元でGCPに統合されました。

Hosted Targets on Apigee

Hosted Targets allows Node.js applications to run in a native, secure, scalable, isolated environment hosted by Apigee, where Edge API proxies can call them as target services.

Hosted TargetはNode.jsアプリケーションをApigeeがホストするネイティブ、セキュア、スケーラブルかつ独立した環境で実行できます。


Cloud Console: Record of Processing Feature for GDPR

In support of GDPR compliance, the Record of Processing feature is now generally available in the Cloud Console.

GCPRに準拠するため、Cloud Consoleで処理の記録機能がGAになりました。


Instance-level IAM comes to Cloud Bigtable

Assign Cloud Bigtable IAM roles at the instance level and segregate access by use case and across multiple teams. Users can be kept in the same project, avoiding the need to create projects to limit access to resources.

インスタンスレベルでCloud Bigtable IAM roleを割当て、ユースケースや複数チームによるアクセスを分離します。リソースへのアクセスを制限するためにプロジェクトを作成する必要はなく、同じプロジェクトが使えます。


New zone and services for the Singapore region

A third zone (asia-southeast1-c) has launched in the Singapore region. Along with the new zone, the region has added three new services: Cloud Spanner, Cloud SQL, and Managed Instance Groups.

シンガポールリージョンで3つ目のゾーン asia-southeast1-c が開始しました。新しいゾーンに加えて、このリージョンでCloud Spanner、Cloud SQL、Managed Instance Groupの3つのサービスが新たに開始されました。