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GCP updates | October 29, 2018

Posted on Oct 31, 2018


BigQuery now available in the London region: GA

BigQuery is now generally available in the europe-west2 region. With regional availability, you can run large-scale workloads quickly in the same local Google Cloud regions you already use for storage, compute, and machine learning. Documentation | Blog


Cloud Spanner DML: GA

Now you can use insert, update, and delete data manipulation language (DML) SQL statements in Cloud Spanner databases. A new read and write JDBC driver is included with this feature, making it easier for app developers to use standard tooling like object-relational mappers with their applications. Blog | Documentation


Additional Releases


Node auto-upgrades: GA

Now, node auto-updates are enabled by default for new clusters and node pools created with the Google Cloud Platform Console UI, making it easier to keep your clusters current and more secure. Documentation


Cloud NAT: beta

Fully managed, software-defined network address translation support is now available for GCP. Documentation


Go 1.11 runtime for App Engine: beta

This release updates to the latest version of Go and introduces new capabilities. You can organize your code idiomatically, add vendor dependencies, use Go modules, import any Go package or web framework, and incorporate Cloud Client Libraries for Go.Documentation | Blog

1.9がFirst Generation、1.11がSecond Generationという表記もみられます。Second GenerationはgVisorを使ってるやつですね。

馴染みのapp.yamlの項目がDeprecatedになったり、Go Modulesが使えたりmain関数を使うようになったり変更点が多いです。


BigQuery column-based time partitioning: GA

BigQuery support for partitioning columns on date or timestamp types is now available. Queries over partitioned tables are automatically optimized to scan just the data in the relevant partitions, drastically improving performance and reducing costs. Documentation

特定のカラムでpartitioned tableを作るやつですね。


Managed certificates for load balancers: beta

Self-managed and Google-managed SSL certificates are now available for L7 load balancers. Google-managed SSL certificates are domain validation certificates only, while self-managed certificates can be domain, organization, or extended validation certificates. Documentation

うおおおおおおおおおおお。 今まで証明書まわりはLet’s Encryptでゴリ押しという感じだったのでありがたい。

Activationに10分弱かかりましたが、L7LBを作ってDNSレコードを設定するだけで証明書取得できました。 取得にL7LBを作成する必要はありますが、最高ですね。


Preemptible Cloud TPU: GA

Now you can create and run Cloud TPUs at a lower cost. A preemptible Cloud TPU is 70% less expensive than an on-demand instance. The TensorFlow TPUEstimator API takes care of saving and restoring model checkpoints for you when your VM instance or TPU is preempted. Documentation


Cloud TPU v3 on Compute Engine: beta

Cloud TPU, an ASIC designed for machine learning, is now available in v3. Cloud TPU v3 has 420 teraflops and double the memory of v2, improving performance and enabling support for more model classes, including deeper residual networks and larger images with RetinaNet. Documentation


Informatica Integration Cloud extension: GA

This new extension allows you to run Informatica business and integration processes within an API proxy, connect to services and applications from Apigee Edge, and publish business integration processes as managed APIs from Informatica Integration Cloud to Apigee Edge. Documentation

New Apigee Edge extensions: GA

Easily access and connect with Google Cloud services like Cloud Firestore, Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Spanner from the Apigee Edge user interface. API developers can simply pick and use these services from a policy palette. Once configured, these can be reused across all API proxies.Documentation | Blog

Apigee Edge Hosted Targets: GA

Hosted Targets lets enterprises run Node.js applications in a native runtime environment. This means enterprises can deploy applications in a native, secure, scalable, and isolated environment where Apigee Edge API proxies can call them as target services. Documentation

Apigee API Monitoring: GA

You can now increase the availability and performance of your API with proactive monitoring. Use contextual insights to quickly identify root causes and reduce mean time to diagnosis. Documentation


Cloud IoT Core – Device Commands: beta

Now you can use Cloud IoT Core to send commands to devices. Commands are fast, can be sent frequently, and are independent of other Cloud IoT Core features. Commands are delivered instantly to devices connected to the Cloud IoT Core MQTT bridge. Documentation


Cloud IoT Core – Device Logging: beta

Now you can configure Cloud IoT Core to log device information to Stackdriver Logging. Logs are configurable so they can be used with large device fleets, and will include connection attempts, errors, and other lifecycle events for each device. Documentation